Saturday, May 12, 2007

It's Not Money! It's Energy!

EoR thinks Deborah Ross has the right idea: alternative therapies deserve alternative methods of payment.

There has been much fuss this week about the 'scientific status' of homeopathy, just as there is always a fuss about 'alternative' treatments generally. Personally, I have no patience with the dismissive and often contemptuous attitude these therapies can attract, as there are many useful treatments and products on offer out there. These include: THE ALTERNATIVE CREDIT CARD (Guaranteed APR - Actual Patient Rip-off - of not less than 100 per cent). THIS is an absolutely essential item for anyone considering any kind of alternative treatment. Indeed, as alternative as any therapist might be, he or she is not, I have discovered, generally keen on accepting any alternative kind of payment. For example, I once tried to pay an aromatherapist alternatively with an old shoe, and she wasn't having any of it.

EoR particularly likes the idea of paying homeopaths with the fluff from your pocket. Think of the infinitely diluted financial potentisation such fluff has received from constantly succussing with small change!

Reiki healers could be paid with an offering of a ball of glowing qi (if they can't see it, they're obviously fakes).

Psychics could be paid with spiritual credits on the other side.

Craniosacralists and chiropracters could be paid with a nod of the head.

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